Toronto Search Engine Optimization

 Toronto Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization will help your business online presence have a good return on investment. Contrary to popular beliefs conventional marketing e.g Television, Billboards, Magazines will not improve your Internet Ranking.

Having a good plan of attack is a must! Search Engine Optimization utilizes the same techniques conventional marketing uses as per consumer demographic.

Below is a break down of what will be done to get the most out of your marketing campaign.

Keyword Market Research

We believe utilizing a good keyword investigation is a must! All our Search Engine Optimization packages in Toronto include keyword market research which provides our clients a good insight on what their competitors are utilizing as keywords to optimize their website and which keywords are actually increasing their online visibility.

Utilizing this knowledge is a must as these are already proven techniques.

Dissecting our Greater Toronto Area Clients Website Content

Once our Market Research has been completed we will then start going through every web page on our Toronto SEO clients website and seeing why the internet site wasn’t positioned on search engines properly. All our Greater Toronto Area employees are trained on a multitude of different programming languages and will go through all our Greater Toronto Area clients website and identifying areas where they could be improved.

Toronto Search Engine Optimization

Optimizing our Clients Content

Creating a search engine friendly website is what enables us to give guaranteed long term result to our clients, most search engine optimization companies fully rely on link building which in most cases is the worst indicator to solely rely on as websites come and go and by only relying on link building techniques this will hurt your overall web positioning once a linked website goes offline.

We believe there is a multitude of areas which need to be improved to keep a long term organic search engine optimization positioning and this is why we do not charge Toronto customers a monthly fee but a flat fee depending on the keywords they have chosen to be ranked on.

When creating Search Engine Optimization campaigns our GTA clients content the process includes re-writing the customers content, modifying images, hyper linking, fixing meta tags and much more.. we pride ourselves with our results and have hundreds of happy customers which after 10 years are still on the first page of all major search engines even tho the clients have not changed any content on their website.

Link Building

Backlinking has changed over the years and now google,bing and yahoo give higher ranking to websites which are actually backlinked from relevant content.

One of our Toronto clients which previously used another Toronto SEO consulting company wasn’t pleased with his search engine optimization positioning results and came to SEO Web Marketing needing help with his Internet Marketing, after completing our Keyword Research we found the “other SEO company” had linked 2/3rd of his backlinks from “Cooking Directories” even tho our customer was a “Lawyer”. After discovering this anomaly we found the “other SEO Company” was using a software program which caused our Toronto client to be blacklisted on Google for 4 months. We spoke with Google and were able to unblock the customer from the search engine and created a found organic search engine optimization campaign and 4 years later he’s still a happy customer with the results.

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